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About Stephen Dempski

The knowledge and wisdom I have plucked from this professional fitness path, I have used to positively influence myself, exemplifying wellness to others. I awake every day, looking forward to my next breathe, and the opportunity to lead another along their verdurous journey.


Professional Integrated Fitness Specialist

Self Employed    January 2012 – Present

  • Establish an environment of communication and education with clientele to cultivate change.
  • Instrumented FMS and AT testing to develop safe and effective exercise programs for all clientele, and monitor progress.
  • Provide nutrition information specific to each individual client based upon their needs to achieve a healthy lifestyle.
  • Provide a success driven, motivational environment for a client’s specific goalset and adherance to the fitness program.

Professional Integrated Fitness Specialist

X-Sport Fitness    July 2010 – August 2016

  • Created an environment of effective communication amongst staff and members.
  • Instrumented FMS and AT testing to develop safe and effective exercise programs for all clientele.
  • Assessed individual clientele progress using FMS and AT testing.
  • Excelled in fitness training and new business sales consistently.
  • Used social media to cultivate new business opportunities and market my business.
  • Coached many different populations of people including sport specific, severe obesity and weight loss, pre/post orthopefic surgery rehabilitation, general fitness for juveniles, adults, and geriatric population.
  • Created and coordinated a weight loss boot camp with fellow fitness coaches.

AGM and Professional Sport Specific Specialist

Elite Fitness Institute    July 2004 – September 2009

  • Assisted in the function of business which included scheduling, financial, administrative, and marketing duties.
  • Used Functional and Sport Movement Screens to assess clientele, and monitor progress
  • Elementary and high school sport specific fitness programming and training of athletes including figure skating, baseball, soccer, hockey, equestrian, and football.
  • Weight loss and general fitness programming and training.


B.A.S Physical Education, Exercise Science

James 1,2-4

Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters,[a] whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance. Let perseverance finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything.